Funeral Estimate Price Guide

Prices correct as of 1 September 2021 (Prices may be subject to change)

When someone passes it generally comes as a great shock and the first few days following death are both busy and confusing ones for both family and friends alike.

One of the main concerns following a bereavement is the cost of the funeral arrangements.  The details below, give a guide on the costs of burials and cremations. Please note that any ceremony costs, e.g. church are in addition to our costs.

(Funeral directors charges)

This is where family and friends have a ceremony, event or service for the deceased person at the same time as they attend their burial or cremation

Cremation service at Crematorium £1095.00**
Burial service at graveside £1195.00**
Church service followed by cremation or burial (church service up to one hour) £1300.00**
** This fee included dressing the deceased in own clothes or robe plus viewing during office hours**  
Additional fees if the service at church is longer than one hour and grave backfill £200.00
Collecting and transporting the deceased person from the place of death (normally within 15miles of the funeral director’s premises) into the funeral directors’ care £230.00
Collecting deceased over a 15mile radius   £220.00 plus extra mileage at 0.75p per mile
Care of the deceased person before the funeral in appropriate facilities. The deceased person will be kept at the funeral director’s premises £100.00
Providing a suitable coffin – see attached list of prices  
Limited funeral – at a date and time agreed with the funeral director, taking the deceased person direct to the agreed crematorium (normally within 15miles of the funeral directors’ premises) in a hearse with no additional services offered £1800.00
2 additional bearers if required for limited service £30.00 per bearer


This is a funeral where family and friends may choose to have a ceremony, event or service for the deceased person, but they do not attend the cremation itself known as a direct service. This service is not offered on burials or at Wilford Hill Crematorium £900.00 plus disbursements


These fees are known as disbursements:
Burial fees– see attached list of individual cemeteries
For a new grave, you will need to pay for the plot, for an existing grave with a memorial in place, you may need to pay for a removal and replacement fee. In addition, cemetery will charge for the interment fee. In and out of area fees will apply.
Cremation fee – see attached list of individual crematorium fees
Doctors’ fees


The funeral director may be able to supply a range of optional products and services, or to arrange (on your behalf) or a third party to supply them.

Transfer of the deceased to home or church on the day before the funeral £150.00
Embalming £150.00
Eco robe and specific colours robes £35.00
Funeral officiant (eg celebrant, minster of religion etc) £222.00
Services supplied outside of normal office hours Prices on request
Removal of pacemaker (required for cremation) £25.00
Hearse £410.00
Limousine 1 and 2 £210.00 each
Limousine 3 and 4 (as hired in from other funeral directors) £280.00 each
Ashes attendance £30.00
If 6 bearers are required £60.00
None collection of ashes within 3 months £10.00

Contact Us:

Tel: 0115 977 0866 Fax: 0115 927 8297
E.mail: mail@