Latest News
C Terry Facebook Notice
An urgent notice about our Facebook Page
Experience day at Steve Soult Limited
An informative visit to our coffin manufacturer
Experience day at Steve Soult Limited
Our updated tie collection
Amazing send off for the “Strelley Cowboy”
An amazing send of tor the Strelley Cowboy.
National Day of Reflection
A National Day of Reflection
Bereavement services football tournament
A local 5-a-side football tournament
Liverpool FC Coffin
An artisan coffin for a Notts Forest lifelong fan
Artiste Coffin
An artisan coffin to express the passions of the loved one.
Rest in Peace Your majesty
Sad news of the death of our beloved Queen
A funeral in in honour Liverpool FC supporter
A horse-drawn funeral for a very much loved Liverpool supporter.
A BIG thankyou to all who supported us
We made it to Paris and a huge thankyou to all who followed and supported us.
Day 3 – Charity Bike Ride for British Heart Foundation
Day three - one final push to Paris tomorrow